Sunday, January 1, 2012

Start Again, Don't Start Over. January 1, 2012


2012--a new year brings new resolutions, new goals, and yes, even new failures. But we can learn from mistakes of the past and new ones we know we will inevitably make.
Isn't it fun to water a very dried-up plant that you think has seen its last day of sunshine, only to find that a little water brings new life? It is at this moment that we are thankful we didn't throw something away that just needed a little attention. Thank goodness Jesus didn't throw me away for a better Christian. He takes me with my mistakes and failures and keeps renewing me.

There is a difference in picking up something again that you started at some point in time and just plain old STARTING OVER. Sometimes it is best to tear something down and just begin from scratch, but more times than not, picking up where we left off is all that is needed. Fear of failure keeps us from starting again.
This year, make a goal to pick up the odd pieces and get your life back on track.

My 7th graders and I began studying birds at the end of last semester, and soon we will continue our study. It is interesting to watch videos of eagles in flight. We watched eagles lock talons and fight in complete circles in the sky as well as spot fish high above the water and swoop to make their catch without ever looking down.

I have made some observations about eagles recently, and combined with God's Word, there are some amazing truths regarding new beginnings of old, left behind stuff.

1.  A bald eagle really isn't bald. Many believe that the Europeans named them bald because they saw the white cap--and, to them, "bald" meant "white." **Although, I noticed that in Micah 1:16, the eagle is referred to as bald. According to Wesley's Notes, this is the species being represented. This is definitely before the Europeans came to America! =) 
"Make thee bald , and poll thee for thy delicate children; enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee."

2.  Eagles mate for life. Great huh? However, it has been documented that eagles will assume a new mate if something happens to the old one because they realize that life must go on. Eagles don't quit and give up.

3.  Eagles will remain on the same perch for hours. They don't give up, and they wait it out when protecting their young. "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Ephesians 6:13

4.  Eagles live on every continent but Antarctica. However, half of the 70,000 eagles living in North America reside in Alaska. Why? Fewer people and lots of coastline loaded with fresh fish and tons of trees!

5.  The male eagle chooses his home before he mates, never leaving this home. The parents will expand the nest actually--a little bit every year. They only move if the nest gets destroyed, but when they do move, they choose a nearby location. Nests can weigh up to 2 tons, by the way. Eagles are family birds even though they are definitely predators.

6.  A unique fact about the eagle is his eyelids. They have upper and lower eyelids, but the lower eyelid is bigger. He actually blinks "up." They have a third eyelid like other birds that even cats and a few digging animals have. But for the eagle, this membrane that sweeps from side to side constantly moisturizing and cleaning his eyes is instrumental in his survival. His keen and perceptive sight puts him in a whole other class of the raptors.

7.  Female eagles will lay 1-3 eggs, but usually only 1 eaglet will make it to maturity. The parents share in the responsibility  of feeding the eaglets, sometimes up to 5 kills per day.

8.  After 10-12 weeks, eaglets are encouraged to  leave the nest, but the "pushing" starts weeks before. The parents provide a soft, secure nest for their babies with daily food, but after a while they begin bringing food near the nest but not inside the nest. This is to show the eagles that they will need to get out of the nest in order to enjoy some chum. Also, they little by little pull out the soft lining within the sticks of the nest to where the nest begins to get a little uncomfortable. Cries of the eaglets are ignored, and soon the eaglet is encouraged to meet the world on his own. The mother eagle takes her time in teaching her eaglet though; it is not a one day "kicking out the nest" situation. She actually will do what a hummingbird does......flaps her wings in a hovering position for a short time for demonstration.
"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:" Deuteronomy 32:11

God uses circumstances in our lives to grow us. If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you will agree. It is when we get comfortable in our current situations that we begin to not depend on Him for our needs. So, in order to get us back on track, He may begin to make our worlds a little uncomfortable, reminding us that a better Christian life is available out there, but changes must be made. However, God doesn't throw us away, nor does He throw us out on our own. He loves us. He made us with a purpose--to glorify Him. He wants us to succeed. Don't listen to the devil's lies that you are worthless, stained, and cannot be used by God. You don't have to start all over again--just get started. Again.

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run , and not be weary ; and they shall walk , and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Have a good day! Love, Stephanie


sharon said...

Very encouraging, Steph!

melissa said...

I like this! Just what I needed to continue to boost me into the New Year!