Friday, January 28, 2011

One of my heroes.....

Marg Jank, missionary to the Yanomami Indians in Venezuela.

I'm studying some insects right now that have a short life span, and learning the purpose for their small little lives. Do you know that there is an aquatic insect that lives 30 minutes to 2 days tops? I'm researching it because it is intriguing that God would have something live and then die in such a brief amount of time, and soon I will write about this amazing insect because it can teach us a valuable lesson! Even in its last days...err, moments.... of its life it will lose the ability to eat. How sad to not even eat on your deathbed.
I have a missionary friend, Marg Jank, who has taken her time here on earth for 40+ years to reach the Yanomami Indians in Venezuela. She has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and has begun the necessary process to help stop it, including chemotherapy.
When I think of Marg, I believe her "70ish" years on this earth have been well spent reaching others for the cause of Christ. We are praying for her to have a dozen more. Among her many talents and accomplishments with the Indians, she has translated much of the Bible with the help of her converts into their dialect. They call it The Talking Bible because they had to put it on cassette tape first. Marg didn't waste her short life span on the frivolities of life but rather chose to spend them with in the jungle with a group of people most of us have only seen in a National Geographic magazine. She made God matter.
Yesterday in my Science classes I spoke to my junior highers about this exact thing. We are studying the Sun and the stars in one grade, and Creation in another. Both show the magnificence of our almighty GOD. However, do we REALLY live our lives like He matters to us? We see that we have mattered to God. Of all the planets and perhaps other life that God hasn't allowed us to learn about in some galaxy that will never be discovered until Heaven, He chose us to have an opportunity to have eternal life. We matter to God. We do. But do we make God matter by showing Him that we love Him by reading His Word, crossing the sea to make a difference, or even just passing out a tract? It's so easy to say, but the difference is made when we actually do it.
Have a blessed day!


Sherry said...

I can't wait to hear more about this insect you speak of. My little guy LOVES learning about insects (just bought him a picture book yesterday) but he is so scared of the real ones. haha. You made me laugh out loud about not eating on your death bed. Girl, you know I agree! What a sweet testimony and reminder today. Your post really made me pause - I want to make God matter!

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